Recipes with grape seed oil

Regratova solata s prelivom iz hrušk

Regratova solata s prelivom iz hrušk

Imate radi nekoliko sladek okus solate? Preizkusite solatni preliv, narejen iz hruške. Odlično se poda k solati iz regrata. Sestavine: 1 velika zrela hruška 1 žlička dijonske gorčice 4 žlice...

Regratova solata s prelivom iz hrušk

Imate radi nekoliko sladek okus solate? Preizkusite solatni preliv, narejen iz hruške. Odlično se poda k solati iz regrata. Sestavine: 1 velika zrela hruška 1 žlička dijonske gorčice 4 žlice...

polnjena jajčka

Polnjena jajčka brez majoneze

Jajca so hranljivo živilo, ki vsebuje veliko beljakovin, esencialnih aminokislin, vitaminov in mineralov, zato jih je koristno vključiti v prehrano.  Pripravili smo recept za polnjena jajčka: Sestavine: 8 kuhanih jajc...

Polnjena jajčka brez majoneze

Jajca so hranljivo živilo, ki vsebuje veliko beljakovin, esencialnih aminokislin, vitaminov in mineralov, zato jih je koristno vključiti v prehrano.  Pripravili smo recept za polnjena jajčka: Sestavine: 8 kuhanih jajc...

čemaževa juha

Cemaž soup

You can take advantage of a spring walk in the forest to collect chemaž. Chemaž has many medicinal properties. It is considered a food that cleanses the digestive system and...

Cemaž soup

You can take advantage of a spring walk in the forest to collect chemaž. Chemaž has many medicinal properties. It is considered a food that cleanses the digestive system and...

namaz iz rjavega fižola in olja grozdnih pečk

Brown bean and grape seed oil spread

Beans are a nutritious food that contains protein, dietary fiber, minerals and antioxidants. So that it is not always just in a salad or stew, here is an interesting recipe...

Brown bean and grape seed oil spread

Beans are a nutritious food that contains protein, dietary fiber, minerals and antioxidants. So that it is not always just in a salad or stew, here is an interesting recipe...

Guacamole z oljem iz grozdnih pečk

Guacamole with grapeseed oil

Need a quick and delicious quacamole recipe? Avocado is a rich source of vitamins, and with the addition of grapeseed oil, the sauce is an excellent source of unsaturated fatty...

Guacamole with grapeseed oil

Need a quick and delicious quacamole recipe? Avocado is a rich source of vitamins, and with the addition of grapeseed oil, the sauce is an excellent source of unsaturated fatty...

lešnikov namaz s čokolado in oljem grozdnih pečk Evioil

Homemade hazelnut spread with chocolate

Who doesn't love chocolate-hazelnut spread? Hazelnut spread is easy to make at home with just a few ingredients. Here is the recipe for hazelnut spread with chocolate and grapeseed oil.

Homemade hazelnut spread with chocolate

Who doesn't love chocolate-hazelnut spread? Hazelnut spread is easy to make at home with just a few ingredients. Here is the recipe for hazelnut spread with chocolate and grapeseed oil.